Sunday, March 26, 2006

Alicia - 3.26.06

Well, I did not do so well on our mini-vacation. I started out great (as usual) and had only 1/3 of my dinner salad at an irish restaurant. That was mostly because Chloe had decided to skip her last nap and was unusually fussy/demanding. So far so good. Then my sis-in-law and family had to leave on Friday morning so we were all by ourselves and the food temptation began. I have low blood sugar problems so if I don't eat enough I get shaky, get hot/cold flashes, and eventually get sick. So, I rationalized, I NEEDED to stop at McD's for a breakfast supplement since feeding Chloe in the hotel breakfast room only allowed me to have a small bowl of frosted flakes. That was the beginning of my Friday bad-choice downfall. Chloe & I spent the day at a hoity toity mall and I had a sensible tomato/mozarella focacia for lunch but unwisely had a cookie and slushie as an afternoon snack. Saturday was the worst though. McD's for breakfast in the car, Wendy's for lunch, a panera yummy (but I'm sure very fatty) muffin and a McD's cherry pie when Matt's plane was delayed and we didn't have anywhere to go. I again rationalized how I HAD to eat fast food because it's extremely difficult to eat alone with a 7 mos. old baby. It is difficult to do but I could have made wiser choices. My tummy is still floppy and I'm glad to be home so I can exercise and put better things in my mouth.

Thanks for your prayers and support. I feel bad about my choices. I wish I had some blazing success stories to share with you but I don't. God has shown me (again) what a weak vessel I am and how desperately I need His strength to overcome my desires. Matt is helping me put this behind me and going to keep me accountable as well for my eating habits.


Blogger Katie said...

Be encouraged, Alicia! We all have bad days (or weekends) and time with family is particularly difficult. When I'm mad at myself (like last weekend) I always remind myself that I can end the bad choices now, and start making better ones. Even though I want immediate results, I need to be in this for the long run, and so I can't get so discouraged about bad days - there will be more, but there will be good days too! :)

Praying for a good week for you,


5:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks dear. I know, I'm disappointed in myself but that was God's way of showing me my weakness. No mistake in that weekend - just a chance to see myself as I truly am. I have another trip coming up on Wednesday where I'll have more opportunities to choose wisely.

8:07 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Another trip already? Fun! Where are you going this time? Is Chloe a good traveler and sleeper away from home?

We've been planning on going to MI some time in April, but due to music obligations at church, I don't think we'll be able to go until after Easter. O well. :)

10:33 PM  
Blogger S said...

Well I can definetly appreciate your honesty. You laid it all out girl! It probably wasn't as bad as you feel. You can just use this week to do better! Tomorrow's a new day! Watch out for the accountability in the husband though, you might get what you ask for. I'm such an emotional eater, so when I asked Stephen for help, he gave it, and sometimes it was hard to take - which is my problem, not his. Anyways, he just is a more disciplined person and good example in that area.

9:21 PM  

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