Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Alicia - 3.28.06

Well, I'm all prepared for my trip to nyc. In order to prevent frivolous snacking and buying of fatty foods when we're out and about, I've made myself 3 baggies of healthy trail mix. I'm also bringing along cereal and granola bars so I'm not tempted to binge on a quick cheeseburger or danish. I spoke to my mom this evening and I can tell she isn't going to be a big encourager of my attempts to eat healthy on this trip. She said, "C'mon, we're going on vacation!" True. Matt advised me to indulge a little but to just keep moderation in mind so I'm not disappointed when I get home. Keep me in your prayers! Not just for eating (forgive me for veering away from this blog subject) but also for my testimony to my mom and gramma on this trip.


Blogger Katie said...

I hope you have a GREAT time! In my opinion, I wouldn't have too high of expectations. Your mom is right, it is vacation; and Matt is right, moderation is key. If we would allow ourselves to enjoy things and not overindulge in them, we wouldn't be fatties! (I'm speaking for myself here; I'm certainly not calling you a fatty!) So, I really hope you have great fun and quality time with your mom and grandma. I hope you enjoy yourself and the food you eat :), and will pray that God will give you wisdom to make choices you'll be satisfied with. :)

9:54 PM  
Blogger Amanda T said...

Sounds like a great time in NYC. Don't beat yourself of too much and do remember that it is vacation. Do what you can, but remember vacations are really seldom throughout the year...and not your typical lifestyle. If you do like your husband said...i think you will do just fine. We'll be thinking about your time with your mom and grandma and praying for you.
Have FUN!!
Also, i know that a recipe that my mom got off of martha stewart for spaghetti was from a restaurant in NYC called Rao's. The spaghetti is fabulous so you might want to check that one out.

12:25 PM  

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