Katie - 4.2.06
Happy April! Spring weather has definitely come to Lou. In the last hour, we've had crazy storms and a siren blaring every few minutes. Thankfully Luke didn't wake up!
I had a very ACTIVE weekend! Saturday was so beautiful and sunny. I had a very early wake-up call that morning from my elderly neighbor (that's another post), so was up at 5:30am (that's right, 5:30 AM!). After a disappointing trip to Starbucks to see Chris (it was disappointing because the line was to the door, and Chris couldn't take a break), we took a walk to a nearby playground - about .5 miles away. Luke loved going down the slide. The walk also involved a couple of hills, which increased the benefit of the walk. In the afternoon, the mailman brought me a wonderful surprise! My sweet sister Janelle, who knows I'm working on health and fiftness, bought me a workout DVD - Walk Away The Pounds Express - a 4 mile walking workout. Have any of you ever heard of these DVDs/Videos? I had heard of them - my mom does them sometimes, and Janelle's been doing them with some girls in her youth group. This particular workout is 1 hour - but it felt so good! Besides walking in place, it involves leg lifts, side steps, kicks, and some other moves that work different muscles. How good of a workout can walking in place be? you may ask. Let me tell you, it works you! I was sweating after 10-15 minutes. So, I would REALLY recommend you checking these workouts out if you can. Ideally, I would like to get another Walk Away The Pounds DVD that is maybe a 2 mile walk (30 minutes) for days that I don't have time for an hour. I know for those of you who work, an hour's probably hard to fit in, but I believe there are several different DVDs with varying lengths. The delievery of Janelle's surprise was so timely because I was feeling like I was losing a little steam. It picked me right up. I pushed past the 5-6 pound plateau and according to the scale this morning, I'm 7 pounds down. Praise God! And I praise God for such a thoughtful sister and friend. To top it all off, Chris and I did our weight routine (that we hadn't done on Friday). So, what a day!
I really need your prayers and encouragement this week, because tomorrow Luke and I are driving up to Michigan to spend the week with Chris parents (and meet Luke's new cousin, Annabelle). My mother-in-law likes to exercise too and would like to exercise with me. So, my two big challenges are eating right and getting some exercise in. I often go to MI and just crash and eat awful and am lethargic and lazy. Please pray with me that I will make right choices! I'm a little scared. I can't lose the ground that I've recently gained - it was too hard. Each time I go to eat, I'm going to try to keep in mind the quote that Heather gave us in her last post: "Life is Choices, Choices have consequences, so make the right Choices."
Hope you're all doing well and have a GREAT Monday.
Blessings - Katie
I love WALK AWAY THE POUNDS!! I do the 2 mile walk 3-4 times a week. Actually, that is the only work out I do!!! I thought I put that in my recent post, but I guess I didn't! I love it because it really does get your heart rate up there and keeps it up there. Also, everyone always says that walking is the best form of exercise. Well, what better way to do it than in your own home.
I will pray that you make the right choices while you are visiting! It is so hard isn't it, but you are doing it! Seven pounds down!! Congratulations!! I am not weighting myself until the 15th of April. This time of the month is the worst weight for me and I don't want to get discouraged!!
Great work Katie!! So, glad to hear you're still loosing.
Wow, 7 pounds??@!! Terrific work, girlfriend! I will check out that dvd line . . . hope my library has it. I'll have to look into purchasing a new workout video through ebay or half.com bcuz my old jane fonda one is n't doing it for me. Have you heard of the paula abdul dance workout video? Colleen used to do it and she loved it.
I'll pray for you during your MI trip. I'm sure your mom-in-law will help keep you accountable too. Remember to indulge a little though. It's always fun to eat some good food when you're away. Does Chris have to stay home?
Thanks for the encouragement and prayers everyone. We made it safely to MI and I got to hold beautiful little Annabelle tonight. :) Chris gets to come on Friday, and we're staying until Monday. We'll have driven both of our cars up here so will leave the real junker here so we don't have to move it with all our other stuff in May.
Hope ya'll are doing well!
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