Thursday, June 15, 2006

Katie - 6.15.06

Hel-loo, anyone still out there movin' their fannies? :)I know several of us have been traveling, and the start of summer means more time outside and less time to blog. Yay! I should've mentally prepared for my trip to WI more, because I ate and ate and ate. Why oh why? Ah, well this is life, I suppose. Time to get back to the old routine - healthy eating, limited snacks and walking away those pounds! To be honest, I gained back 5.5 pounds. Can you belive it? But, it's already falling off since I've been home. Since the move, I hadn't really exercised (other than moving, which was exercise in itself). However, I kept weighing myself, and was shocked to see myself continue to lose weight! When I went to WI, I had lost 16 pounds. As of this morning, I've lost 12, so I have four more vacation pounds to get rid of. Hopefully they'll come off easily too. I would ideally like to lose 10 more pounds before April's wedding on August 5, but I'm not sure how realistic that is. Our bridesmaids dresses are SO cute, and I would obviously like to look okay in it. The good news is, I can now zip it up. So, I've lost a good 2-3 inches to just do that. Anyways, I was able to do my 2-mile DVD both yesterday morning and this morning. This a.m., I went over to my m-i-l's and we did it together, which is fun. Then I spent the day there cleaning, which burned calories, I'm sure! I have plenty to keep me busy at my own house too, so hopefully will stay on the move.

You may have noticed, our chatterbox went away. We didn't use it, and after so many weeks, they delete it.

I hope everyone is doing okay and is enjoying warm weather and lots of time outdoors. We have yet to break in my in-laws pool, but this weekend is supposed to reach the 90s, so I think we'll have to do some canon balls on Saturday! I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone's doing, so log on let your peeps know what's going on!


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey dear,
I am going to post today. I've been putting it off since I am disappointed with myself from my vacation eating. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who went backwards a bit!

Enjoy your mil's pool. Sounds so very refreshing! And keep up the good work. Sounds like your mil is a good accountability partner.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Natalie said...


You're going to look great! When April's dresses came in she came and showed me. They are so pretty!!!

Just keep it up! I haven't lost any weight yet. But I must confess I'm not as disciplined as I should be. I'm addicted to food. All my life it's been a struggle.

Have any of you tried Edy's slow churned ice cream? It's 1/2 the fat and 1/3 fewer calories, or something like that. (The serving size is only 1/2 cup though!!!! That's crazy!) Anyway ... I had some last night, and it was great!

Talk to you all later!


5:03 PM  

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