Katie - 5.11.06
I just finished doing 2 miles of my DVD. I waited until 11pm, but I did it! I wasn't able to do the DVD yesterday, so today I HAD to. Today and yesterday have been RAINY, and I feel like Luke and I are going crazy. So far this week, I have kept to my goals of weight lifting and exercise, but it's been a discouraging week as far as eating goes. I haven't gone crazy or anything. I've just managed to sneak a few unwise choices in here and there that I think have affected my progress in weight loss. Chris keeps telling me not to measure my success by pounds lost but consistency in a healthy lifestyle. I know this is true, but I so desperately want to get out of this 2-pound range that I've been hovering in for what seems like forever. This week has also been a constant struggle with Luke. For the last 3 nights, it's been difficult to put him to bed at night. It's like he's just not tired or something. Whereas before, he would be calm, and we would eat a snack, read a book, sing and pray - then he would be happy as a lark to go to bed. But now, it's like a light has switched off, and he's so hyper (and he doesn't eat a lot of sugar), and it's hard to stay on track. When I do lay him down, he throws a fit. Instead of blowing me kisses as I go out the door (seriously, he used to do that), he screams his head off. I am at a loss. I feel like I have no control as the parent, and he does whatever he wants. Today he cried for his nap too, and finally fell asleep at 4:00, which is usually about the time he wakes up. I only let him sleep for about 45 minutes, because I wanted him to go to bed on time tonight. No such luck. I laid him in his bed for the first time at 8:00, and he finally was in bed and asleep at 10:30. He did a good bit of crying, some correction was administered, and much prayer. I'm sorry that most of this post is about Luke and my parenting woes, but I'm so discouraged right now, I wanted to vent to my buds and get your prayers. Heather? Logan's older than Luke. Any advice? It seems like I'm freaking out over a small deal, but it just is getting old, and sometimes I feel like I have no patience whatsover, and then am angry, which I DON'T want to be.
Well, tomorrow's a new day. God's goodness and faithfulness to me is always fresh. That's a great truth. Thanks so much for the support and accountability you all offer me!
Well, tomorrow's a new day. God's goodness and faithfulness to me is always fresh. That's a great truth. Thanks so much for the support and accountability you all offer me!
Katie - I totally feel your frustration!! Logan is at a point, too, where he screams and tries to hit me after I spank him! AHAHAH! I know it is not the same thing that Luke is going through, but it is frustrating as a parent, isn't it?
I am not sure why he doesn’t want to go down as easily as before. It could do with all the rain we are getting and that he has been inside for a couple of days. They get used to being out in the fresh air so easily! I hate to blame their disobedience on the weather, but sometimes it is the truth.
Maybe as it gets closer to bed, start talking to him about it. Victoria, is the one that gives me bedtime woes, and we start explaining to her about 15 minutes before bedtime, the steps that we are going to take. It sounds kind of goofy but it has been working. I also have started giving them "options"..."You either obey me and go to the potty with NO crying or you disobey me and get a spanking, it is your choice...what do you want to do?" I know Luke is a little bit younger then my kids, but you may be able to talk to him about bedtime, and maybe you already do.
It sounds like he should be totally exhausted by the time bedtime rolls around. Especially, if he is not taking a nap or a shorter nap!
My kids always act up like that when we are extremely busy or when they haven't been able to see either Kevin or I for awhile. They kind of take it out on us for being so busy.
Hang in there, Katie! You are right; God's Goodness is always fresh each morning! I will pray for you this afternoon and tonight as I put my kidos down for bedtime!!
I am so sorry that I couldn't offer more help! Wish I were there to even talk to you personally!
Oh, I almost forgot...great job on your workouts!!! You are doing great at it!!
Thanks so much for your encouraging words. Sometimes it's just a relief to know that my child isn't the only one who acts this way! It has been rainy and yucky here too, and Luke is used to spending most of his day outside. He didn't sleep well last night - he was really stuffed up, which could be allergies (as it often is), or it might be a cold. He didn't seem himself this morning. He cried when I laid him down for his nap, but then I got him, we read a book, and he went down fine. I'm hoping he'll take a good long nap. :)
Praying for you as tonight rolls around!
Hey, have you ever tried a humidifier to help his stuffiness?
Sorry I'm so late in commenting on your post, dear! Any progress in the past few days? Seems like the whole country is getting lousy weather. When the sun comes out I'm sure your spirits will lift as you go out for more walks.
I agree with Chris regarding the weight stuff. How do you feel about your progress? Are you noticing changes in the way your clothes fit?
I sure hope Luke is just going through a phase. :(
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