Alicia - Goal accomplished!
Well, I did manage to get my Easter dress on and it looked good - with a sweater over it. It would have been way to tight on my tummy without a sweater. :) Anyways, I'm feeling good that I met my short term goal - I am definitely smaller today than when I bought the dress 2 weeks ago. I feel like now I'm just maintaining the weight I've already lost. I only have 3 more pounds left to reach my goal weight of 138 and I think I'm going to have to work to get rid of those stubborn 3. I am resolving to exercise more regularly this week. The past week I have taken walks with Chloe but not done my abs video since I've been busy with her sewing her easter dress.
Regarding my time in God's Word this week - it's been great! I've read almost every night and I've made time to pray and meditate. A few nights ago I stumbled across an old journal of mine. It was during my Daniel Patz dating phase. Boy was I encouraged by what I read about what God did during that period of my life! I marvel at how good our God is. Through my time with Daniel I can see that God was preparing my heart for Matt. I'd really like to start up a journal again; do any of you journal? Any suggestions for keeping one consistently?
Here's to a good week of devotions and exercise!
Alicia - Good for you! I'm so glad you made your goal. That is always such a great and encouraging feeling.
Thanks for your encouragement to spend time in the Word too. Last week was rough for us; I am definitely praying for a better week with more attention to the Word and also better exercise. I KNOW that God will help me have a great week.
I have to give a little smile when you mention the Daniel Patz dating phase and how he prepared you for Matt. Did he make you appreciate Matt so much more? :) I'm sure he did, because only Matt is perfect for you! :) I joke about this, knowing full-weel how amazingly quirky but incredibly godly Daniel is - but only Molly is oh-so-perfect for him, as Matt is for you and Chris is for me. Before Chris, I had a sizeable crush on someone else, who is a great guy, but God sure knew what I needed when he gave me my man! :)
Praise God for not always giving us what we think we want. :) Love - katie
Hey dear,
No, I didn't mean my Dan Patz reference that way! Dan is a terrific guy and he really sharpened me spiritually. I have fond memories of him and Scotty D. I wasn't too impressed with his dating and dropping me so quickly but God used that to break me deeply and renew my dependence on Him.
I mean theologically God used Dan to prepare me for Matt. I remember very clearly when Dan took me out for breakfast in Minneapolis and tried to convince me biblically of the doctrine of election and limited atonement. I had to consider him seriously because I knew he was (and is) a deep man of God. Now I rejoice in those doctrines!
Hmmmmm, I wonder who you had a crush on. I have a guess. I agree though, Matt and I are perfect complements. He's always so patient with me and he has become my dearest pal. :)
Hope you have a more normal week this week dear. I always seem to do better with my devos when I have a routine type of week.
love ya,
So happy for you alicia. It is so encouraging in reaching those short little goals.
Glad to hear of your continued progress!
Those good 'ole dating phases did teach us a lot. I learned much from mine with a certain von boy. The Lord is gracious to lead us to the right men in our lives and He lovingly prepared us to be ready to meet those men at the most perfect time. Praise to Him for His love for each of us.
Every day i'm remninded as to how perfect Tom is for me. Like a puzzle we fit together so perfectly.
Alicia - so glad you were able to fit into your dress! What a great job you did!
Thank you for your reflections on this last weeks devos! It is such an encouragement to me to hear what other people do during their time with God!
Alicia -
Your dress looks great. Good for you for reaching your goal. That's great that Matt encourages you to spend time in the Word. Stephen is really good for me that way too, and doesn't want me to ever feel like anything in our home should come before that and I appreciate that.
Katie - I too remember your previous crush and was thinking of that the other day. How good God is in giving you Chris.
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