Monday, April 24, 2006

Shannon 4.23.06

Praise the Lord! I actually have a positive post (for once). I got on the scales and lost about another 5 pounds in the last two weeks. Our scale isn't digital so it's hard to be exact, but I know I'm a lot closer to my goal (about 10-15 more to go). As I've mentioned before I'm not as concerned about weight as much as fitting in to my clothes so I don't have to buy new ones! It's always rewarding when I do lose more, because it's like going shopping in my closet (a couple more things that fit! :) The Lord has really helped me to be productive and not be lazy in my daily schedule. At times, I get so frustrated and impatient in the sanctification process, I want to be like Christ right now and not have to struggle with my sinful flesh. Just since the last time I mentioned prayer, I've done a lot better at making healthy decisions for food (didn't indulge in french fries last week when we ate out!) and have been more faithful at exercise. I found a new windsor pilates dvd for abs at Big Lots for $2.00 so I figured the new workout will get me motivated too. Most importantly though, the Lord has really helped me in being faithful in my time in the Word and studying to be more like Hiim. I do feel that my discipline of my body and spiritual disciplines is intricately related. It's easier to exercise and eat right when I'm in the Word and have God's perspective on being a steward of my body. Thanks for the prayers! Continue to pray that I will be diligent and keep working at losing more.


Blogger Heather said...

Good for you Shannon and thanks for the encouragement to me about staying in the Word! It is by Gods grace everyday that I am able to find time to exercise and take care of my family!!

Thanks again and GREAT JOB!!!

9:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I agree dear, it's easier to stay on track with exercise and eating when we're in God's Word and staying focused. Great job on forgoeing the fries! That would have been well nigh impossible for me. Youch, pilates, eh? I tried a pilates dvd a few weeks ago from the library and it was extremely difficult for me. Man, keep up the great work girl! 5 pounds in 2 weeks?! That's tremendous! Praise God for the strength to reach our goals.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Amanda T said...

Hurrah! that's so great shannon. Glad to hear that you're still hanging in there and getting closer to your goal. Also, great to hear about your being faithful in the Word too. I think too that when our minds are renewed daily we then can see things as God would have us to...including our bodies and how we take care of them.

1:39 PM  

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