Monday, July 17, 2006

Katie - 7.17.06

I'm back! And, to God's praise and credit alone, I did my weights this a.m. for the first time since moving from KY. Sadly, I just have not gotten into a good exercise routine since living in MI. I did do a LOT of walking in Scotland, but coupled with some REALLY yummy desserts, it all evened itself out and I weigh the same as when I left. Not like I was trying to lose weight on the trip.

So, here's the deal. I still haven't lost some of those mean ol' pounds that I gained in WI in June, so I've lost 12 pounds since whenever we started this - March? I'm thankful for those 12 pounds, and am really trying to get moving during these last 3 weeks before April's wedding. I'm really not even setting a weight-loss goal for the wedding, but would rather just see a positive difference in my waist line and arms. I just want to feel healthy and not look like a complete sloth.

It's extremely hot here, as I'm sure it is where you all are too. I expect Luke and I will spend a lot of time outside this week, and I hope to do my DVD as often as I can. Chris comes home on Fri. night, so until then, it's Luke and Mommy time. I missed him so much, but would appreciate your prayers as he is pretty difficult around nap/bed time. Much of it is due to over-tiredness, so I need discernment for when loving discipline is needed. :)

Hope you all have a great week!


Blogger Unknown said...

I'll be praying for you this coming week! You can do it; the Lord is faithful to provide the grace and strength you need to make it to Friday night.

I didn't realize you had lost 12 lbs. already!?! That's terrific! Can your mil help at all so you can have some quiet time to exercise?

8:35 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Al - My mil works from 11am-7ishpm, so it doesn't leave a lot of time to get together or for her to babysit during the week. :(

1:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That stinks about your mil. I guess I just assume since she's nearby she's helping all the time.

2:28 PM  

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