Long Lost Natalie 12.18.06
Did you all think I dropped off the planet? I guess I did for a while. I’m still confused as to what happened, b/c I was doing so well for a while. I had lost 11 pounds and I had a couple victories. But then somewhere in there, I just didn’t care anymore. My life was kinda a mess. My finances are drowning me, my weight climbed back to my original starting point, school was stinky, just … everything was going wrong. I quit on everything. But a few weeks back, I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself if I really wanted to stay like this the rest of my life. If I had said yes, I would have checked myself into the nearest psychiatric ward and that would have been the end of my story. But, thankfully, I said no. I’m picking the ball back up, but I’m starting all over again.
One motivator is the 15 freshman girls that I’m coaching. I don’t think I told you yet – I’m coaching the freshman Kingsford volleyball team. Our first game is tonight, actually, and I have butterflies in my stomach.
So, as I sit here eating my chicken parmesan Weight Watcher meal, keep your prayers coming. Please don’t give up on me! I’m coming back! Don’t wait up though. Keep on going! See you at the finish line!