Friday, September 22, 2006

Where is That Ball?

I've dropped it. That is, I dropped the ball in regards to many things relating to this blog. :) I'm so sorry I've been so absent; let me tell you, though, this blog does really provide accountability for me. Thank you so much. I definitely still need this.

Re: My personal "success"

There are two ways to measure success: 1) number of pounds lost (my usual measuring stick, and 2) consistency in a healthy lifestyle (the new measuring stick I am adopting!)

This summer I failed according to both measuring sticks. But, that's okay. I'm starting back up. I did gain back several pounds (sigh). This is life. However, I still have lost a total of 8 pounds since the spring (please to remember how many I originally lost!). I was thinking about this in bed last night. I'm thankful to be 8 pounds lighter than I was a year ago. It's so easy to want FAST results, but I would rather lose only 10 pounds a year than none at all (or worse, gain some pounds). So, starting now I am going to happily report my success at lifting weights three times each week. I would also like to do a walking dvd or go on a walk three times a week. This sounds wimpy, but I think I'd better just get this down, then add more. I will happily shout out for this blog to know when I do see more pounds lost, but that's not my focus. I would really love to have lost 20 pounds total by next spring. I think if I really be consistent, it could be more.

Re: a Bible study on this blog

Alicia suggested Ecclesiastes. I am open to anything, and this sounds like a great idea. While I didn't want to do a Christian book study, I did want to get a book that would provide the structure and direction for the study though - unless, Alicia, you would like to lead the study and provide the direction yourself. I'm sure we could find a helpful study on Ecclesiastes. Unless, you think it would be better to just read the passages and mull over it together. I just don't want it to turn into, "This is what this passage means to me." :) So, let me know.

I've got to run now. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday! Thanks for sticking with me.



Blogger Unknown said...


Thanks for your honesty, dear. I have dropped the ball over here too - hope that encourages you a bit. I guess the newness of this blog and exercise wore off for me this summer. It was so incredibly easy for me to drop my exercise habits when the bummer got busy with company/traveling.

Yikes, I'd love to lead the Ecclesiastes study but I've got too much on my plate right now. I agree, Ecclesiastes is too weird a book for us to just read and mull over. I'd like a simple study that doesn't infuse ideas into the text . . . nothing famous or attached to a popular person.

I think you're wise to set small goals right now. I just signed up for the spark people site (thanks to Christina's blog) and they say that the reason 95% of diets fail is because people don't prepare well to move into a healthy lifestyle. They just jump in blindly hoping a diet will magically work. I am using their site's food tracking tool and it's been EYE-OPENING to see what I eat during the day and how it adds up! I eat like twice the # of recommended calories per day and way too many carbs. So, my first step is going to be to purposefully snack on fruits and veggies though they are not as readily accessible as most carbs.

Phew, I probably should have just posted instead of creating such a huge comment. :)

hang in there girl and keep up the good consistent work!

12:15 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Thanks for commenting, Alica. I wish you could have subscriptions to blogspot blogs like xanga, so we could get an email when someone posts something new. Or, can you do that with Blogger?

I asked Chris to look around for a study for us. Do you have your heart set on Ecc., or would you be open to something else? Not like I have anything in mind, just not sure what we'll find.

I think we all have a lot on our plates, and I don't want a study to be an added number on the list. So, we'll just find a good study we can each buy from Amazon or something (cheaply); and if we desire, we can incorporate that into our own personal quiet times.

I wish we lived closer so we could exercise together! Personal, and in-person accountability is definitely best; but we'll keep this blog plugging along and see if we can't help each other a little that way. I'll tell you one thing, even though I had a bad summer (in terms of this issue), I might not be getting back onto the wagon so quickly if not for your accountability! :)

5:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


No, I'm not totally set on Ecclesiastes. Whatever you guys find is fine with me. I agree, something simple I can incorporate into my quiet time would be ideal.

Girl, I wish we lived closer too! I have one friend down the street but she's got 6 kids and she homeschools so exercise time is not high on her list. Thankfully, Matt and the mirror keep me accountable. :)

I think you can do that email reminder thing with blogger but don't you have to have the comment moderation on for that?

8:26 AM  

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