Thursday, August 10, 2006

Alicia 8.10.06

Hello everyone! It's been too long since my last report. I've been putting this posting off since I wanted to give you some good news. Seems like my exercise goals have been flushed down the toilet for the last month. I seriously just stopped everything. My major excuse has been my part-time job. In the last month I've worked more than 40 hours on the computer in my "spare" time. That means whenever Chloe naps or goes to bed, I hop on the computer to work. I even sometimes work when she's playing but that's been difficult lately since she's becoming a very active and physical toddler. It's been a huge monetary blessing to our family (especially since I make $20 an hour), but I've sacrificed my health.

I've been pretty disgusted with myself lately and yesterday I began my workout routine again. Matt was off so he watched Chloe for me while I did my stability ball workout. I'm hoping to get some time to jog tonight. Pray that I make time for my health!

I have a few busy weeks coming up, so please pray that I can be somewhat consistent with my eating choices and workout regimen. This weekend is Chloe's birthday party and my mom and grandma are arriving tomorrow. Then, the following weekend we head up to Michigan to visit and pick up Matt's folks. They'll be staying with us for the end of August.

Thanks for your prayers and accountability, gals! Let's head into fall on a positive note!


Blogger Natalie said...

You can do it, Alicia!!!! I know what you mean though about totally not doing any exercise. That's how I've been almost all summer. The last 2 days, I got back on the ball (literally) and started exercising again. It's hard to start, but I always feel so much better when I do it.

Beware of the cake and ice cream at Chloe's party!!!!! Maybe just have a tiny piece of cake and small serving of ice cream. Oh, which reminds me ... If I eat ice cream in a really small dish, it makes me feel like I'm eating a lot of it anyway.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good call about the small dish for ice cream! I'll try to behave around all the goodies.

You use an exercise ball, too? What video/dvd do you use?

8:06 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Alicia - I'm praying for you! I'm settling down from a summer of irregularity and poor eating and exercise and am looking forward to getting back on the ball (I'll have to get one of those actually. Although I think Chris' grandma has one. )

8:59 AM  

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