Friday, September 22, 2006

Where is That Ball?

I've dropped it. That is, I dropped the ball in regards to many things relating to this blog. :) I'm so sorry I've been so absent; let me tell you, though, this blog does really provide accountability for me. Thank you so much. I definitely still need this.

Re: My personal "success"

There are two ways to measure success: 1) number of pounds lost (my usual measuring stick, and 2) consistency in a healthy lifestyle (the new measuring stick I am adopting!)

This summer I failed according to both measuring sticks. But, that's okay. I'm starting back up. I did gain back several pounds (sigh). This is life. However, I still have lost a total of 8 pounds since the spring (please to remember how many I originally lost!). I was thinking about this in bed last night. I'm thankful to be 8 pounds lighter than I was a year ago. It's so easy to want FAST results, but I would rather lose only 10 pounds a year than none at all (or worse, gain some pounds). So, starting now I am going to happily report my success at lifting weights three times each week. I would also like to do a walking dvd or go on a walk three times a week. This sounds wimpy, but I think I'd better just get this down, then add more. I will happily shout out for this blog to know when I do see more pounds lost, but that's not my focus. I would really love to have lost 20 pounds total by next spring. I think if I really be consistent, it could be more.

Re: a Bible study on this blog

Alicia suggested Ecclesiastes. I am open to anything, and this sounds like a great idea. While I didn't want to do a Christian book study, I did want to get a book that would provide the structure and direction for the study though - unless, Alicia, you would like to lead the study and provide the direction yourself. I'm sure we could find a helpful study on Ecclesiastes. Unless, you think it would be better to just read the passages and mull over it together. I just don't want it to turn into, "This is what this passage means to me." :) So, let me know.

I've got to run now. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday! Thanks for sticking with me.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Heather 9.16.06

I am still here!!! I believe the last time I posted was back in July! Where did the summer go? Over the past 2 months I haven't paid much attention to losing weight, just making sure that I did not gain any weight back. Well, I succeeded! I knew that this week things would be slowing down, so I jumped back into the workout and got back into things. I didn't want to post until I had done it for a good solid week! So far so good!

This last week we had revival services at our church! I enjoyed them so much that I didn't want them to end! Since I changed jobs, I have not been faithful in my devotions. I was really struggling with it and finding time to do them. So I sat down with Kevin and talked to him about it. I told him, I would love it if I had an hour to myself to be able to workout and have my time alone with God. He knew it was bothering me not to have my devotions (I used to do them at work because it was so slow) and that I wanted to continue to work out. We came up with a plan. Right now, I am already getting up at 5:30 in the morning to be out of the house by 7:30...I really can't get up that much earlier...So we now we work together getting the kids into bed by 8:30, then I am ready to work out at night and have my devos. SO FAR SO GOOD!!! I know that at night, it isn't the best time to do all of this, and if you have any other suggestions, let me know!!!

I don't know if I want to say, "I will lose so many pounds by this date." At this point, I will just be happy if I continue to lose the weight. I will keep you all updated. So far, since I started posting on this blog, I have lost 12 pounds. I just want to continue to say...."I have lost 13, 14, ,15, 16 and so on pounds. I will keep you posted.

Please pray for me that I use my devotional life to keep me faithful in my weight loss battle! Katie, I would love to do a devotional too!!! Sounds good to me!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hi Girls!
I apologize for not posting sooner. Here's the scoop on how I am doing. Since February I lost 16 pounds! It's so hard to believe that I had that much weight to lose, but I did! A couple of weeks ago I weighed 121 pounds. The last several days I have stayed right around 123.5 to be exact. I am very pleased with where I am at. It's so fun to put on clothes that are too big. It's been a bit chilly here in Kentucky so I have been wearing dress pants to my job interviews. They look a little ridiculous because they hang on me so much, but it's a good feeling nonetheless.
Now that Ben and I are back to living together, I fear that I will begin gaining some weight. When we were apart I didn't cook so I ate a lot less. Now that I am cooking for him, I tend to go all out. For example, tonight, we are having tacos, refried beans, guacamole, and nachos. Not healthy I know!

Hello out there! Anybody home?

Just wondering if any of you gals are still interested in this blog? I'm assuming some of you have ditched us since you've lost your desired weight.

As for me, my household was fighting sickness this week so I didn't do much exercising. Today, I'm back at it though. It felt SO GOOD to do my dvd, take a long shower, blog and drink some coffee while Chloe naps. Aren't naps precious gifts from God?

So, I'm off to a good start. My goal for the fall is to do my exercise dvd 5 times a week and take 1 brisk walk with Chloe every day (assuming it isn't storming, sleeting or hailing). What are your goals for fall?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Alicia 9.9.06

Well, as the fall leaves begin to change here in Ohio, I'm turning over a new exercise leaf! :)

As I mentioned when commenting on Katie's last post, I started out the summer well and then blew my goals and discipline during the last two months. My part-time online job became very heavy during July and August and I found myself sitting on my bum in front of the computer during every spare moment. Then, we had company visiting for 3 weeks straight (not the same company, two separate sets of them) and I felt awkward doing my exercise dvd while they were around.

Our company has been gone since Tuesday and it's taken me until today to get back on the ball (literally - my exercise dvd uses a stability ball). And I'm resolving to do my dvd 5 times a week and to watch what I eat. Specifically, I need to be careful of my snacking problems and my binging before mealtimes. I bought celery and lots of yogurt and fruit to keep me healthy this week. Just pray I can stay away from that yummy block of extra sharp cheddar that's sitting in my fridge! :)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Katie: 9.1.06

I can't believe it's September 1st. And I can't believe I've done so horribly in diet and exercise this summer. I've completely lost my routine, and I so desperately want to get it back. The last week was a better one for me - more profitable, more predictable. But, I still have to get back into the groove of exercising and lifting my weights.

With fall coming and the school season starting, I'm hoping to get back on track. I mentioned doing a Bible study together and discussing it here a while ago. I really would like to start something like this and wonder if anyone has any suggestions. I would like it to be a BIBLE study - not going through a good Christian book or anything - this way, if we want, we can incorporate it into our personal quiet times. So, any suggestions? I've lost steam. I don't have will power. And the only way I can conquer my bad habits is in Christ. I think that by doing a study together, this might be the key that will help us all. Let me know what you think or of any ideas you have.