Saturday, September 09, 2006

Alicia 9.9.06

Well, as the fall leaves begin to change here in Ohio, I'm turning over a new exercise leaf! :)

As I mentioned when commenting on Katie's last post, I started out the summer well and then blew my goals and discipline during the last two months. My part-time online job became very heavy during July and August and I found myself sitting on my bum in front of the computer during every spare moment. Then, we had company visiting for 3 weeks straight (not the same company, two separate sets of them) and I felt awkward doing my exercise dvd while they were around.

Our company has been gone since Tuesday and it's taken me until today to get back on the ball (literally - my exercise dvd uses a stability ball). And I'm resolving to do my dvd 5 times a week and to watch what I eat. Specifically, I need to be careful of my snacking problems and my binging before mealtimes. I bought celery and lots of yogurt and fruit to keep me healthy this week. Just pray I can stay away from that yummy block of extra sharp cheddar that's sitting in my fridge! :)


Blogger Kelly Glupker said...

I love sharp cheddar and eat it all of the time. Is it bad? I tell ya, I am pretty clueless about healthy living!

7:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's not too horrible because it's dairy but the fat content is HUGE. And I eat it all the time as a snack with crackers.

9:48 AM  

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