Friday, September 01, 2006

Katie: 9.1.06

I can't believe it's September 1st. And I can't believe I've done so horribly in diet and exercise this summer. I've completely lost my routine, and I so desperately want to get it back. The last week was a better one for me - more profitable, more predictable. But, I still have to get back into the groove of exercising and lifting my weights.

With fall coming and the school season starting, I'm hoping to get back on track. I mentioned doing a Bible study together and discussing it here a while ago. I really would like to start something like this and wonder if anyone has any suggestions. I would like it to be a BIBLE study - not going through a good Christian book or anything - this way, if we want, we can incorporate it into our personal quiet times. So, any suggestions? I've lost steam. I don't have will power. And the only way I can conquer my bad habits is in Christ. I think that by doing a study together, this might be the key that will help us all. Let me know what you think or of any ideas you have.


Blogger Natalie said...

A BIBLE study is an excellent idea. While I don't think there's anything wrong w/ going through a book and doing a book study, I love just digging in the Bible & getting into the Word.

Someone just encouraged me to go through Proverbs and contrast the wise and the foolish.

7:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think that's a great idea, KT. let me chew on it and see what I come up with for a book to study.

I'm the same as you, dear. I started out my summer really but have completely fallen off the diet/exercise wagon the last 2 months.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

KT & Natalie:

What about Ecclesiastes? I know it's a weird one to figure out but I love the picture of God's sameness through the ages throughout. God keeps bringing Ecclesiastes to my mind whenever I ask Him for direction for our study.

What do you think?


10:11 PM  

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